Monday, January 30, 2012

I'm Back and Ready to Make it Happen

I know I have been gone for a while, but I am back now! Things at the club have been going really well. Getting busier with my new clients. I am setting goals and sticking to them.
My current goal is 25 new clients by March 30, 2012. With 10 to 15 of them being clients who come in every day to have their meals. I am also looking to bring on 5 new Herbalife business partners by that same due date.
The more partners I have, the more people I can help become healthier and successful. I am ready to take my personal life as well as my business to the very next level!!
I would like to move and get married by June. I have been in an 8 year relationship with a great man. We had our ups and downs, but we have made it through it all and would love to take our relationship and family to the next step and become man and wife. I am looking forward to becoming his wife for sure.
My ultimate business goal to be able to rent out a home with 3-4 good size bedrooms.  A master bedroom with its own bathroom.  A large kitchen where the sink and stove don’t face each other. A nice size back yard, but noting to big and not a lot grass to have to mow. A finished basement so I can turn the basement into a new club and leave my current club to one of my business partners.  I am praying that this will all happen by May 20, 2012. I will need the income and the home by then. I know if I keep on putting it out there and I keep my mind so focused on my goals they will all come to pass.
Life is good and I am so grateful for all of my many blessings. I am honored that my clients have come to me for help on their personal health journey.  I am on my way… It feels so amazing!
I want to thank Dr. Joseph Murphy for all of his help. He is no longer alive, but his work and words live on in his amazing books. They have transformed my personal life and business so much. I have a real relationship with God and that has helped me become the kind of person I always wanted to be. It’s so freeing.
 Please take a moment and read this book! It will for sure change your life like it did mine.
Are your ready to get Health and Wealth with Herbalife? I'm here to help

Friday, November 18, 2011

A New Life

I know it’s been a while since I have updated you on how things are going. Please forgive me, I have been so busy with the business starting to take off. As well as making sure I continue to give 100% to my family and currently job.
My motto has been "Change your mind… Change your life." for a while now. But not until recently have I truly understood what this motto really means. I have recently become a big fan of Joseph Murphy books. "The Power of the Subconscious Mind" has seriously change how I see the world, my place in it, and my relationship with God. It’s some big stuff going on and I am so excited at the course my life is taking.

In just a few weeks I have new clients. My goal is 20 new clients coming in everyday twice a day for meals and products, 5 new downline partners, 10 online clients and 1 renter by the beginning of January. And now that I understand how the real world works and how I am the only person responsibly for how successful I am, I am going to take my life, the lives of all of those willing to partner with me to the very top!

I now understand that I can state my goals, I can hold on to them in my mind, and know in my heart that God will take that picture I have in my mind and make it come to life. I have seen it work in my life in the past few weeks. I have seen my thoughts in my mind happen right before my eyes.
It has allowed me to no longer have a worry in the world. I now look at the world as my beautiful playground. Just asking for what I want and trusting in God with pure faith that I will have it…. And focusing on it by doing what I need to do to bring my desires to life.

I don’t know if I have ever felt this good before, this positive and optimistic. I feel like I have a new relationship with God and a new relationship with myself. I trust myself more and I have confidence like I have never had before.

Of course I have so much more to learn and do, but I have the basic skills to grow as a woman, a mother, a business woman, and a happy child of God. God flows through each and everyone of us as harmony, health, peace, joy, wholeness, beauty, true place, love and abundance. We must rejoice and give thanks for being a free-flowing channel to God.

I am just so excited for the future of my family and my business. I would love to invite everyone reading this to be apart of my Health and Wealth Makeover Mission. Together following the principles that I have learned, we all  can change our lives right now at this moment for the better, forever. We can lead the lives that God has always wanted us to lead. Are you ready???? Let's do it

Monday, October 24, 2011

Staying Focused... Success is Mine!

I have been really working my business. I have been talking to people and giving out flyers and cards, calling people back, and doing what ever I can to get the word out that W.G. Wellness is in business and ready to serve all those people who want to get healthy and wealthy.

I am working on staying focused on not allow the "No's" to discouraged me. It's easy to allow the" No's and No thanks you" beat you down, if you let it.

I have been working on only having positive self talk and a never give up attitude.  That negative self talk will bring you down so far there is not coming back. I know, I have done that for much of my life. I am learning to be aware of my thoughts and how they make me feel. And just like with people, if they don't lift me up and bring something good to the table, I don't have anything to do with them.

Herbalife has made me dig deep inside myself to find out what I am made of. It's given me tougher skin so all those "No's" only sting for a moment. I brush them off and keep on moving. Herbalife has made me move out of my comfort zone, I am not really a shy person, but when you have to talk to strangers for a living it does put you out there. It makes you confront your fears big time. All though I get nervous, I like that each new person I talk to, makes it easier to talk to the next person.

The 31st of this month will be my 3rd month in the Herbalife business. Of course when I started in my mind I saw my club swarming with people who wanted my serves and who wanted to partner with me. Now I am not saying that's not going to happen, I am saying that it's going to take some time, effort, and work on my part. I will say that each day things are getting better and we are getting busier.

STAYING FOCUSED!  That's the name of the game. Keep going and never giving up. I know that I am going to make it. I know that I am doing this for all  the right reasons. I know that Herbalife is an amazing company with the most amazing life changing products. I have to learn how to tell as many people how they too can get into the best health of their lives and begin to create the kind of income that can change their lives.

I am reading a great book by Donald Trump and Robert Kiyoski titled "The Midas Touch". In the book they said something that hit home for me. "Given the lessons learned from the last recession and other downturns, how safe and secure are steady paychecks anyway? " They go on to say having your own business is the best way to go. They also said getting into a business such as Herbalife is the best way to build leadership skills and character.

I am on the right path. I know it in my heart and soul. I am looking to take as many people as I can on this journey... Are you ready to join me??

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Secret really isn’t much of a Secret

I remember when the book “The Secret” came out. Everyone was just amazed at how you can think the things you want into existence. Some found it to be a bunch of bull crap and some thought it was the best thing since sliced bread.
I was one of those people who thought it was the best thing since sliced bread. I read the book and I did what they told me to do and I saw things coming true in my life. What I think the book lacks is the true power of your thoughts.  As I found this subject to be so interesting I begin to research it. What I found it was… “The Secret” really isn’t much of a secret. As a matter of fact, there are books written before it that go into more detail on how to have the things you want in your life. And a lot of these books were written as far back as the early 1900s.
Even more, if you really believe what you read, it goes back as far as the Bible. With statements such as “Ask and you shall receive.”
I have practiced this “Power of the Mind” before and like I said, it works. However now I have come to find that doing this each day in my daily life has giving me more then things, but real joy. Seriously what is better than feeling pure joy? Knowing that there isn’t a problem you can’t solve. Just knowing every single thing you need to be happy, successful, and wealthy is already inside of you. Wow that’s to me is so powerful.
I have started to put this into use in my personal and business life. In just a few short days I have never felt this level of calm, peace, joy, and knowing everything is ok.  I only allow those thoughts that empower me to be better and do better.

What I have come to find out about my journey to good health and great wealth, every single path leads to your personal relationship with God... Wow, now that's for sure powerful. Every single thing you think and do is about your relationship with God. God the end all to be all.

I learned that I have got to get my mind right, so I can have a loving, joyful, harmonious, relationship with God. My thoughts and are powerful. What I think of myself, the world, and my  place in it determines what kind of life I will have. That's what God calls free will.

My free will is a gift, and I will cherish it as such. Just like my body is a temple, I will maintain my health with Herbalife for life. My goal is to share my cherish gifts with millions...Do you want a gift?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I got a very interesting email this morning from a woman who had this really great idea to help people to stay motivated. Out of respect for her idea, I won’t say what it is. However, I think it’s an amazing idea and I look forward to following her progress on getting this done.
That got me to thinking… how does one stay motivated to do more, to be great, to reach the goal line? I know for me, motivation comes from many outside sources. But the most important source is my mind. I motivate myself every single day to do more, to be more, to go that extra mile not matter how uncomfortable I am. It’s in those moments that great things happen.
If you follow my blog you will see that reading and is my most favorite thing to do. I have been in love with books since I can remember. I am always trying to find the way to be a better person, mother, and life partner. As of June, now I need to find a way to be a better Business Woman as well.  Like I wasn’t busy enough trying to be every woman! LOL
Well I am now reading a new book “The Power of the Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy. Can I just say… WOW, Powerful stuff for sure.  In the book he talks about using your mind to get everything you ever wanted from life. I have read many books on this subject, but this is the first book I have read that made it so simple to understand. I have already started my progress on making sure I have a successful business, happy and healthy family, and a long good life.
Having that kind of blind faith is very powerful. I recommend you treat yourself to this book. For all of you Kindle users, it’s only $1.99.
What is says to do… is find a comfortable place to sit down and relax. Then in your mind repeat for 10-15 minutes the object of your desire with pure faith and without any doubt that you will have it. Rather it be good health, wealth, a person to share your life with, it doesn’t matter.  Having total faith that what you ask for is already yours.
For me, it’s very calming to state this fact over and over throughout my day. Knowing that it’s going to happen takes a lot of the pressure off.  I think the most powerful part is removing doubt and fear from my thought process.
Learning to remove negative thoughts and words from your mind and vocabulary really does help. Not saying things like “I can’t”, “I don’t have”, “there isn’t enough” is a great start.
Motivation from outside sources are very much needed. I think this idea this woman came up with is going to be big, but self motivation is key. It’s the truest way to get exactly what you want from life and all that it has to offer… Are you ready to get motivated to be healthy and wealthy with Herbalife like I am?  Let me know… I am here to help….

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Feeling the “Weight” of it all on my shoulders!

 Next week will make it my 2nd month in the Herbalife business. I must say, I love it. I love the fact that I get to help people get healthy. I love the fact that I can help people feel as great as I feel. I even love the fact of the potential life changing money I can make as long as I stay focused.
I do my best to stay focused and not allow the slow days get me down. I will at admit, I had my moments of “what the hell was I thinking starting my own business!” Then I look in the mirror at how much weight I lost and I know I did the right thing. Not only do I look great, I feel even better.
However, I do feel the “weight” of it all on my shoulders. I feel the “weight” of making sure I am successful. The “weight” of making sure I hit my personal weight loss goal of 40 pounds. (Currently at 26 pounds weight loss)
Starting your own business rather it’s from home or from an outside location takes pure dedication. It takes time, love, faith, hope, and NO FEAR! It takes the love and support of your family and friends.  I am blessed to have all of that. I have a life partner, Michael who has been a great support. We don’t always see eye to eye, and there are times when I want to pluck his eyes out, but I would not trade him for the world!  Because we are a new business, I still have my current job, while Michael runs our club.
He has been doing such a great job and I am so proud of him. I know that I could not do any of this without him, my children, Victor, Donovan, and Olivia. My brother and sister who will step in when I need them too.  And of course my 3 angels, Bindu, Ive, and Shawn. These ladies are for sure the best friends anyone could ever ask for!
I know the potential of this business is bigger than I can even imagine for myself and my family. I know if I stay focus on why I got into the Herbalife business, I will be very successful. I got into this business to help people. To give back to people what was given to me, my health and my life back.  And if they are interested, a way to make money by giving back to others too.
Herbalife is a great business of helping people. My 1 Million People Health and Wealth mission is going to change so many lives. If I set it up right, it can change the financial future of my family and many families to come.
Yes, I am feeling the “weight” of a new business owner of my shoulders. But every single time I help just one person, the “weight” get’s that much lighter.  Are you ready to lighten the “weight” on your shoulders???  I am always here ….

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

It's a Win Win.... Don't ya think?

What a great weekend. I went to my first Herablife conference and it was so great. It’s a great motivation tool to get you going to build your business.  I was totally pumped after I left there.
When I got home they were having an event across the street from my club. I grabbed a handful of my flyers and walked around talking to as many people as I possibly could. It felt so good to get out there and spread the word. If one person comes to the club from all of the people I spoke to, then I did my job.
I even met one lady who I invited to come up and have a free meal.  She loved it and said she was really interested in the business.  That felt really good.  You get 20 people who say “yes, this is just what I need.” And if only 1 calls or shows up, then you are on the road to being successful.
As you know, I am currently reading “The secrets to a Millionaire Mind.” By T. Harv Eker. I tell you, this book is pure magic. No matter how many times I read it, I found something new and different to help me get to where I want to be with my Health and Wellness.
In his book on page, 127 he says something that really made me feel so right about what I am doing with Herbalife.  This is what he says about being a distributor. Not with Herbalife it’s self, but in general.
“Second, you can join a network marketing company. There are dozens of excellent ones, and they have in place all of the products and systems you need to get started immediately. For just a few bucks, you can become a distributor and have all the benefits of owning a business with few of the administrative hassles.”
If it resonates with you, network marketing can be a dynamite vehicle for wealth. But, and this is a big but, don’t think for a minute that you’re getting a free ride. Network marketing will work if you do. It will take training, time, and energy to succeed. But if you do, incomes in the range of $20,000 to $50,000 per month- that’s right, per month-are not uncommon. In any case, just signing up and becoming a part time distributor will give you some excellent tax advantages, and who knows, maybe you’ll enjoy the products enough to offer it to others and end up making a nice income to boot.”
Hello!!!!!! That’s just what I am doing right now! Herbalife offers great products that you can give to your whole family.  They are the kind of products you want to share with others not only because you can make money, but because they are truly great products. Why not share something that’s really great.  What’s even fantastic about becoming a Herbalife distributor, you get a discount on all of your own products.
That’s right; you get a discount on all the products you buy for you and your family. The more products you purchase over time the bigger your discount gets.  The more you think about it, the more it just sounds like an opportunity you can’t turn down. I know I couldn’t walk away from such a great opportunity. I am glad I didn’t because in just a few short months it’s changing my life.
I have lost now 26 pounds, I feel better than I have in years, and I am making money just by sharing my story with others.   It all sounds like a win win to me… Are you ready to be a Winner?